Safe and Sound: Protective Gear Essentials Every Skater Should Own

Even though skateboarding is often classified as dangerous and is considered an extreme sport, it gains more and more popularity each day. With more than 20 million skateboarders around the world, this is a sport that has a bright future ahead. However, many of those skateboarders forget how important protective gear is. Research shows that it lowers the chances of injury by 40%, so don’t hesitate to get all the essentials.



It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a professional skateboarder, you should always wear a helmet. It’s the main piece of protective gear that can prevent injuries and even save your life in some situations. So, never compromise on its quality because it can make a difference between life and death sometimes.

A helmet is not an expensive investment. There’s a big variety of high-quality, durable skateboard helmets for sale on the market. You can buy them online or at your local store. No matter how you do it, always go for a reliable supplier with many positive reviews and satisfied customers.

The outer part, or the shell, of the helmet is usually made of sturdy materials such as carbon fibre, Kevlar, fibreglass or ABS plastic. Underneath the shell, there are a few protective layers. In most cases, the first one is soft foam and the second is hard foam for more comfort and protection.

Look for adjustable straps and a strong buckle system. This will keep the helmet on your head and help you adjust it because this is not a product that’s one-size-fits-all. If you’re buying it online, always take the right measurements. Grab a soft measuring tape and wrap it around your head. Do this on your forehead just above your eyebrows. If you don’t have a measuring tape, do it with a string and transfer the length to a ruler.

Compare the numbers to the ones on the size chart of the store. If you’re not sure which is the right size, or you’re between sizes, consult the customer representatives. They’ll give you the best advice. Make sure you never buy a used helmet. It may look strong and undamaged on the outside, but you can never see what’s on the inside. Even the smallest crack will make the helmet useless.

Knee Pads

Using knee pads will make skateboarding a lot safer and easier experience. This is especially true if you’re a beginner. When you’re feeling safe and protected, you’ll become more courageous. You’ll be able to improve faster, learn new tricks, practice harder and quickly become better.

If you’re aspiring to be a professional and have some expertise, you are aware that entering a competition requires wearing all the safety equipment. When you hit the ground, your knees take most of the force of the impact. Protecting them from this shock should be a priority.

A lot of skateboarders, especially beginners, are ashamed of wearing knee pads, but there’s nothing to be ashamed of. This is a piece of gear that protects your body. Knee pads are made of two parts. A stretchable material that wraps around your knee and a plastic or rubber shell.

Just below the shell, there’s foam filling that’s responsible for absorbing the impact. You can find the pads at the same places there are skateboard helmets for sale, online and at skateboard shops. If you do it online, measure the circumference of your knee joint while keeping the leg straight in a standing position.

Elbow Pads

Skateboarding isn’t a sport you can play on soft surfaces like grass or dirt. It requires a hard surface that can handle the grip of the wheels and let you slide uninterrupted. Considering this, concrete would be the best option. But concrete can also do a lot of damage to your body when you fall full force into it.

You can get significant bone, skin or joint damage if you don’t wear protective gear. So, it’s highly recommended that you wear elbow pads as well. Elbows are very sensitive to contact with hard surfaces. These pads are also made of a shell and inside padding, plus the stretchy material that goes around your elbow.

The pads are designed to make you comfortable and give you the most mobility while performing. Again, just like with the skate helmets and knee pads, the soft measuring tape can help you get the right size. Stretch your arm, and measure in the middle of the joint. The fit should be on point. If it’s too tight it’ll restrict blood flow, and if it’s too loose it will slide off and distract you and cause an accident.

Wrist Guards


Anyone with a broken wrist will relate to the excruciating pain and the hard, prolonged healing process. There’s no way you want to wear a cast on your elbow for several weeks. In most cases, when we fall, we touch the ground with our hands first. This can have quite an impact on our wrist and get it broken easily.

Donning some wrist guards protects your hands from bone breakage, scraps and cuts. Make sure they’re the right size. The fit matters because it decides the level of protection you get. You can get the right size by measuring the circumference around the 4 knuckles, not including your thumb.


In skateboarding, having the right accessories can be of great help. You don’t have to have each and every item, but the essentials will do. One of those essentials is the skate tool. It’s a small, metal tool that handles all the nuts and bolts on the skateboard. Putting it in your backpack can save you a lot of trouble on the road.

Grip tape is also a practical accessory. It goes at the top of the deck and creates grip, so you don’t slide off the skateboard. Once in a while, you should replace it with a new layer. It’s a simple task and anyone can do it. Wax is also important because it’s a lubricant that smooths out the surface between the deck and the slide. Also, adding lights on the back of the skateboard is a good way to make yourself visible at night.

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